Red flags

My friend sent me this little meme today, and I wrote back something like: I think it’s okay to pop in to a carnival and go for a ride, rather than give it a miss out of fear. Just as long as you don’t stay too long and become one of the carnies. It’s hard…

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What a lady, what a life

Today, (almost all) my family and I farewelled one of the greats. Nan passed away last Wednesday, but because of Covid, we could only have a small service including 20 immediate family and a close friend or two. I was so proud of my mum for delivering a beautiful eulogy. I can’t imagine how hard…

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You should be 40

I really wanted to commemorate Frith’s 40th on Wednesday. If he were still here, the party would have been epic, probably lasting a full weekend. The thing is, I have no idea where we would have even been living – which state, which city or country town? So it’s hard to imagine what our lives…

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A time to share

I’m sitting at my shiny new dining room table (well fb marketplace new, and new to me) with a hot cross bun and a coffee, enjoying the cool change that has FINALLY come, listening to Chance scraping through Lego, kindly directing Darby to find certain pieces for their latest creation, and listening to Quinn and…

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The moments

There are moments in life that take you by surprise; they catch your breath; they make you pause; hopefully they serve as a reminder of how good life is right at this minute, they make your reflect, before moving on with your day. Tonight I was surrounded by my tribe; my school Mums and Dads…

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The company you keep

I was part of a conversation the other day, with people I didn’t know very well, but who were aware of my husband-less situation. The topic of husbands came up, and, as is customary amongst good friends (I was kind of on the outer of the group) the little digs about husbands and parenting came…

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