That’s a wrap

In true Domagala family style, my birthday lasted a whole week. Woo! I had a couple more cards arrive in the mail during the week, some belated, yet still very much appreciated birthday wishes, and today I received what I can assume to be my final gifts. The flowers are from my good friend and…

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41 in ’21

I’ve just spent half an hour with online tech support to get my blog all updated and working again! So let’s talk all things birthday week! After working on assessments for nearly two full days, (and submitting everything!) I was really ready to have a drink or two with my wonderful crew of school mums…

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The Brick Pit

Everything in life is a process. Most of what we do is automatic, with processes that have been fine-tuned over time for maximum efficiency. Then there are the jobs/tasks/self growth opportunities that take time and thought and commitment, and, more often than not, outside help. Our Lego collection reached a stage about a year ago…

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A mixed bag

Gosh has it really only been 6 days since my last blog post? There has been so much happening around here! Let’s get into it! The Christmas tree is up!! And we love it 🙂 I spent most of Tuesday in hospital with this nugget. He had a pretty nasty post-viral wheeze that we couldn’t…

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And just like that, this cute little baby is now six. He really was the sweetest little baby. Slept well, fed like a trooper and was happy ALL THE TIME!! Okay, that’s not possible. But he sure was a happy baby. And a damn cute toddler. From the age of about two onwards, he has…

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Punch, Dip & Cake

No this isn’t some awesome new boxing combination, although I would be all over it if it was! I’m talking about the perfect trifecta for a party. Growing up, we were always having parties at our place. Every birthday was celebrated, as well as New Years Eve parties and Christmases. And the three things that…

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Another step forward

There are some things that take bravery, patience, stamina, and a positive mental attitude (PMA). I had decided yesterday that I was going to take all four kids to the pool this afternoon, by myself. Now that Chance, Quinn and Darby can all swim very well, and Julius is well on his way, I really…

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Fair Enough

Fairness is a funny thing. It seems like a good idea to be fair, but fair doesn’t necessarily mean equal, and things won’t always be even, but might seem fair. I think. Maybe. It’s confusing! I was trying to find some quotes around fairness, but none of them really resonated with me. This one got…

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Big Chop

We went back to our awesome hairdresser last week so Quinny could go from this: To this!! So much hair all over the floor! She looks so much older and is loving her new locks. Big brown eyes, just like her Dadda, gorgeous little freckles and such spunk. She is such a treasure 🙂

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