Snow Trip 2022! (Post 1 of 2)

Wow. Just wow. This trip was three months in the thinking/planning/making, and we were rewarded with an incredible experience that the kids will be talking about for years to come, I’m sure. Or at least until the next snow trip they are already planning… When Marian said to me, over Kris & Kate’s kitchen table…

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Stuff’s been happening

We’ve had visits and parites and all sorts of fun things happening around here in the last few weeks, and it’s nice just to have a record of it to look back on the smaller stuff as well as all of the big events. Like a lovely visit from Julius’ Fairy Godmother Hayley from Rockhampton….

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Julius is 5!

Oh my heart. This kid is just the greatest. He is kind, has the loveliest manners, makes me laugh every day, loves music and singing and has all the dance moves and then some, he adores his brothers and sister and loves being around people. He gives us kisses and cuddles at every opportunity and…

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Mother’s Day 2022

Aaaaah Mother’s Day. It has been a bit of a mixed bag for me over the past decade, but the last two have really come through with the goods, and all from very simple pleasures. Last year was really amazing and special and ended up being very healing for me. This year, we had a…

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This is reality

A little while back, after a night away from my kids, my free time was coming to an end and I’m not going to lie, I was not exactly looking forward to coming home. I commented to my friend, and most likely audibly sighed, as I’m apt to do, “I guess it’s back to reality”….

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Pizzey’s 2022

Do you know what today is? Today is washing day. After a fantastic five days away at Pizzey’s, we are home, with the kids relaxing with friends, and me being happy it’s a good drying day. It’s the little things, right? And look at me blogging about our holiday straight away! Winning all round! I…

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Melbourne Magic

My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude and all the good things a trip to Melbourne brings. We arrived home last night to a very excited Juilus and a very happy, albeit exhausted Gran & Grumpy. A HUGE shout-out to Mum and Dad for having Jules for four nights while we were away and…

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Standthorpe Trip

Okay so I’ve been a little slack with keeping my blog up-to-date with our adventures. But it’s Saturday night, the kids are (mostly) occupied, and I have enough motivation and creative energy to get this thing done. I hope… 🙂 As many of you know, we tried to get away to Stanthorpe last year, only…

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Happy Birthday Quinny

And so ends this household’s birthday season, with Quinnderella turning nine years old. Quinn, you are firey and fierce and when you put your powers to good use, your determination serves you, and others around you, well. You are loved and adored and you are surrounded by wonderful friends who think you are funny and…

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