41 in ’21

I’ve just spent half an hour with online tech support to get my blog all updated and working again! So let’s talk all things birthday week! After working on assessments for nearly two full days, (and submitting everything!) I was really ready to have a drink or two with my wonderful crew of school mums…

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Punch, Dip & Cake

No this isn’t some awesome new boxing combination, although I would be all over it if it was! I’m talking about the perfect trifecta for a party. Growing up, we were always having parties at our place. Every birthday was celebrated, as well as New Years Eve parties and Christmases. And the three things that…

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Fair Enough

Fairness is a funny thing. It seems like a good idea to be fair, but fair doesn’t necessarily mean equal, and things won’t always be even, but might seem fair. I think. Maybe. It’s confusing! I was trying to find some quotes around fairness, but none of them really resonated with me. This one got…

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Mums Go Wild

There is something very sacred and special about going away with a group of mums. Add some Prosecco, good food, a blow up prop named Derek and a creek nearby, and wow what a recipe for a good time! Some school mums and I made the time (no one has time, you have to make…

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Happy Birthday Gran

If you are a close relative or friend of my family, you would know that we don’t have birthdays, we have birthday weeks. My Mum, aka Gran has been celebrating for a few days now, even though her actual birthday was today. We had dinner and cake last night (above), then lunch and cake today….

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School is back!

Okay people. Let’s lighten things up a little for the week! After my 5k efforts on Sunday, I was pretty knackered in the evening, but I knew that if I wanted the first week back at school to run smoothly, some lunch prep would be in order. Thankfully Quinn and Julius were super keen to…

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A Glorious weekend

Celebrating this woman. We have been up at Mount Glorious this weekend, eating amazing food, drinking yummy wine, and laughing a LOT, celebrating Sian’s birthday. Did I mention we are all child-free? 😀 Happy birthday to you my friend. We have known each other over a quarter of a century (😳😍) and there are still…

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