Happy Birthday Gran

If you are a close relative or friend of my family, you would know that we don’t have birthdays, we have birthday weeks. My Mum, aka Gran has been celebrating for a few days now, even though her actual birthday was today. We had dinner and cake last night (above), then lunch and cake today….

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School is back!

Okay people. Let’s lighten things up a little for the week! After my 5k efforts on Sunday, I was pretty knackered in the evening, but I knew that if I wanted the first week back at school to run smoothly, some lunch prep would be in order. Thankfully Quinn and Julius were super keen to…

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My friend Kate

Kate and I have known each other since we were 3 years old. We went to kindy together, our mums are good friends, and so the friendship began. We have been at each other’s milestone birthdays for decades. I was at the birth of her first son, my Godson. She dropped everything when Frith died…

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Whale Time!

We headed out from Redcliffe Jetty on Thursday last week for a spot of whale watching. Even though Darby complained he was hungry after being on the boat for five minutes (and was apparently hungry for the next 5 hours), and I forgot the nappy bag for Julius so had no pull ups or spare…

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It still stings

There are wounds we carry around with us that we think have fully healed, but a bump or graze out of left field can open them up again when we least expect it. We sit there, a little dazed and confused, looking at the gaping wound, picking at it, almost curiously. Why are you still…

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A Glorious weekend

Celebrating this woman. We have been up at Mount Glorious this weekend, eating amazing food, drinking yummy wine, and laughing a LOT, celebrating Sian’s birthday. Did I mention we are all child-free? 😀 Happy birthday to you my friend. We have known each other over a quarter of a century (😳😍) and there are still…

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