Standthorpe Trip

Okay so I’ve been a little slack with keeping my blog up-to-date with our adventures. But it’s Saturday night, the kids are (mostly) occupied, and I have enough motivation and creative energy to get this thing done. I hope… 🙂 As many of you know, we tried to get away to Stanthorpe last year, only…

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Life and Lemons

Two and a half years ago, I wrote this blog post about when life gives you lemons. Original, I know. I was having a particularly rough time with back problems, and a stressful trip to Rockhampton on the horizon, and I remember wanting to write a more uplifting post, but that one got published instead….

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Red flags

My friend sent me this little meme today, and I wrote back something like: I think it’s okay to pop in to a carnival and go for a ride, rather than give it a miss out of fear. Just as long as you don’t stay too long and become one of the carnies. It’s hard…

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Hello there, 2021

Happy New Year, one and all. I spent the last evening of 2020 with friends who are practically family, only having myself to make snacks and get drinks for. The kids had a bumper afternoon and sleepover with Gran and Grumpy, so it was a win for all. On my drive home just after 8pm,…

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A mixed bag

Well term four of school is off to a cracking start! The kids are back at Scouts, Quinn has started a weekly drama class (like she needs that!) and swimming lessons are back on. For someone who “doesn’t really want to get into Saturday sports because it takes up so much time”, we really do…

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All Kinds of Time

When I look at my four kids, I often wonder and marvel at who they are turning in to. The quirks that I see today, will they be there in a decade? Ten years. Wow. They will all be teenagers. Can I even imagine having four teenagers under one roof? The food they will eat;…

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