Cutting it fine

The clock just ticked over past 9pm, so technically still three hours to get my blog post in, but normally I have a shower at this time, chat to Marty at 9:30, then head to bed after that. So yeah, this is a small window but sometimes that’s all I need. I’ve found myself writing…

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Looking forward, being here

I often, like many people, find myself looking forward to things more than being in the here and now. After a great weekend away, it’s hard not to think about my next getaway (which is planned, but not booked for July). I’ve been somewhat sporadically practising meditation since December 2021. When Marty and I first…

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Home sweet home

Gosh what a great weekend away! Friday we arrived a few at a time, and just settled in to our Beach House, went for a walk on the beach… …and made reservations for dinner. The food was delicious, the drinks were flowing as was the uninterrupted conversation! Saturday was all about the op-shops and there…

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Writer’s block

After 15 years of blogging, I still find it hard to call myself a writer, especially since I haven’t written regularly for months. Keeping up with this blog is often either a pleasure or a chore, and not much in between. There has been so much going on these past few months and every time…

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New Years Eve 2022

New Years Eve has been a hard time for me the last five years, and I never really know how to “celebrate” the occasion. New Years Day is also my dear friend Beth’s birthday, so I generally spend at least part of the day with her in some way. Leading up to NYE this year,…

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Christmas 2022

I mean, better late than never, right? Last Christmas was a gift that kept on giving for sure! It started at lunch time Christmas eve with our tradition of having Kate and Kyle and Beth and Adam over and playing the present game. Nathan and Marty were able to join us as well, and Marty…

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Quinn is 10!

Well what a crazy birthday week my Quinny had! It all began when we ended up in ED on the Thursday before her birthday with a suspected fracture in her foot, courtesy of an accident with an air mattress and her big brother’s foot. She was given a back-slab cast and we were to report…

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First Day 2023

Here we go! Grades 1, 3, 5 & 7! One of my new habits that I’d like to work on this year is getting up and out of bed with my alarm at 6:05am each week day. So far I’m one from one so hopefully it’s a sign of things to come! My kids, apart…

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Five years today

Five years ago you left this world without a goodbye. I wish you had told us you were hurting. I wish so many things were different. It was hard not to get consumed with the “what ifs” and “if onlys” at the time. I get so mad at you at times. Usually when the kids…

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Darby is 8!!

When it comes to life, Darby is all in, always. This kid makes me laugh most days with his antics and I smile often when I see how kind and caring he is with his friends and with his siblings (mostly!!) 🙂 Ever since he turned two, he HAS NOT STOPPED! The fact that I…

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