Dear Body

Let me just start by saying how sorry I am. For the past 33 years, since the age of 10, I have looked upon you over and over again in sadness and shame and frustration, seeing all the things you are not, instead of seeing you for all the good things that you are. I…

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Looking forward, being here

I often, like many people, find myself looking forward to things more than being in the here and now. After a great weekend away, it’s hard not to think about my next getaway (which is planned, but not booked for July). I’ve been somewhat sporadically practising meditation since December 2021. When Marty and I first…

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Writer’s block

After 15 years of blogging, I still find it hard to call myself a writer, especially since I haven’t written regularly for months. Keeping up with this blog is often either a pleasure or a chore, and not much in between. There has been so much going on these past few months and every time…

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Long Service Leave

A few months ago, I was telling Kate that Marty had some long service leave that he could take this year, and she kindly pointed out that I had been in my current job (parenting) for over 11 years now, and was due for my own long service leave! I was so pleased she pointed…

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Measuring Day

I’ve been back to committing to my daily meditation this month, after a few lacklustre months, and feeling like the regular 9-14 minutes of time spent in quiet contemplation, being gently guided by Jeff had actually been benefitting me more than I had realised. I started the “daily trip” on the Calm app with Marty…

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Mother’s Day 2022

Aaaaah Mother’s Day. It has been a bit of a mixed bag for me over the past decade, but the last two have really come through with the goods, and all from very simple pleasures. Last year was really amazing and special and ended up being very healing for me. This year, we had a…

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Pizzey’s 2022

Do you know what today is? Today is washing day. After a fantastic five days away at Pizzey’s, we are home, with the kids relaxing with friends, and me being happy it’s a good drying day. It’s the little things, right? And look at me blogging about our holiday straight away! Winning all round! I…

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With thanks

Gosh I just cannot stop smiling. I submitted my final exam for my course yesterday, and my lecturer kindly marked it asap and I got my results back today…. and I have officially passed the whole course!! This was my workstation yesterday! The kids in iso have been a mixture of absolutely amazing (see above)…

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Life and Lemons

Two and a half years ago, I wrote this blog post about when life gives you lemons. Original, I know. I was having a particularly rough time with back problems, and a stressful trip to Rockhampton on the horizon, and I remember wanting to write a more uplifting post, but that one got published instead….

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