We do hard things

I try and live my life by this mantra. When the kids say “it’s too hard” I try and respond with something along the lines of “that’s okay. We do hard things in this family.” Or if they say “I’m scared” I say “it’s okay to be scared, but let’s do it anyway!” I was…

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Einbunpin 2023

Yes I’m only just getting around to another blog post, weeks after my last one. I honestly have every intention of blogging more, but the motivation to actually sit down and start typing is lacking, and I just need to make myself do it more! My life from about March until July 30th (and beyond…

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Girl time

I’m so proud of my Quinny. She participated in the Creative Generations showcase with her school this week, after months of rehearsals and preparations. She has shown so much resilience with all the long rehearsals and late nights and sugar highs and all the things! Quinn was in two dances this year, Jump and Higher…

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New Years Eve 2022

New Years Eve has been a hard time for me the last five years, and I never really know how to “celebrate” the occasion. New Years Day is also my dear friend Beth’s birthday, so I generally spend at least part of the day with her in some way. Leading up to NYE this year,…

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First Day 2023

Here we go! Grades 1, 3, 5 & 7! One of my new habits that I’d like to work on this year is getting up and out of bed with my alarm at 6:05am each week day. So far I’m one from one so hopefully it’s a sign of things to come! My kids, apart…

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Our first Scout Camp

Last weekend, Chance and I both participated in our first ever Scout camp. The group that the three boys belong to (Darby and Julius are currently Joey Scouts) are so fantastic and they regularly run camps. They always have plenty of male leaders, but sometimes they need a female volunteer to come away with them,…

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First Days

After the Never Ending summer holidays of 2021/2022, the kids headed back to school today. There were mixed emotions in the household over the last few days; excitement (Julius), nervousness (Quinn), annoyance (Chance), ambivalence (Darby), anticipation (Mama). But we got there in the end!! For one year only, my four fire crackers will be at…

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Pizzey’s, Easter 2021

Well my friends, we did it! We survived, and even thrived during our five days on the Burrum River. When telling people about Pizzey’s it’s really hard to explain and describe. But basically it’s fishing “shacks”, built in “units”, a makeshift kitchen where we all make food together, a bucket shower, a flushing toilet (as…

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First Day

It took about 20 photos, but here’s a pretty good one of the four of them!! Julius officially in kindy, Quinn grade 3, Chance grade 5, Darby grade 1. How the heck did that happen? I tell you what, it would be nice if they all liked the same things for lunch!! The only thing…

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