Full house = full heart

I kind of came down with a crash today after a lovely few days where I wasn’t outnumbered by children! Marty and his sister and her partner stayed with us for a few nights this week and honestly, it recharged me and kept me going during a very busy week, and I’m just so grateful for the time we all had together.

Julius’ expression captured my feelings perfectly

The first night they were here, we sat down to a Mex feast with an added bonus of Quinn’s friend who also joined us. After the meal was done, I was ordered to stay out of the kitchen, and to be honest, it took me a minute or two to work out what to do with myself. What a treat to not have to clean up! We followed up with ice cream cake (thanks Suzette and Jules) and mud cake (thanks Marlia!) and fancy adult ice cream later. I absolutely love a full house, especially when it’s full of willing and helpful hands.

The next afternoon after school, the kids were treated to some kicks in the backyard and even a little game of soccer.

So much fun!

They had such a great time, and we all shared another meal of my homemade butter chicken. Both nights they were there, Julie read to Jules and Darby in their beds as they were going to sleep, and she even read a bit before they headed to school on Friday morning.

Pure adoration

I feel grateful every day that Marty and I found each other, that much you guys already know, but the fact that he comes in a package deal with a wonderful, loving, welcoming family is all kinds of brilliant, and I’m so glad that even though we don’t get to see them often, when we do, we just have the loveliest time. Making memories is just the best! Thanks guys! Come and stay again some time soon 🙂


  1. What a beautiful summation. Right back atcha. Big hugs and best wishes from the hot and slightly humid north

  2. Not to mention your willingness to have guests stay in your home, your lovely hospitality and delicious meals prepared. Very grateful of having you in my life as well! ❤️

  3. Aww, Renae you and the family are like a tonic of love, you’re all so patient, kind and gentle. We love you 😍 ❤️ 💜 ♥️ 💕

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