More school holiday fun

About six months ago, my good friend Cal, who lives with her husband Nathan and three kids in Geelong, messaged me saying Nathan would be at a conference in Brisbane in the September school holidays and they were thinking about coming up to stay as well. Long story short, I told Cal they should stay…

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Today was a good day

We have been back from our holiday away in Cairns for a week now, and today, more specifically, this afternoon, was the first time I’ve felt like myself again. The last week has thrown me a lot of emotional rollercoaster rides that I’m guessing are hormone-related, as well as pre-teen related, as well as post-holiday-blues…

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All kinds of time

Yes I’m using the name of my blog as the title of this very long overdue (and long!) post. The meaning will come out as you read. It’s been nearly three months since I last wrote, so there is a LOT to catch up on. Here are the highlights! We celebrated Grumpy’s 74th birthdayNothing fancy,…

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Jars of Joy: In a state of flow

If you have ever been in a flow state, you know what I’m talking about. The concept of ‘flow’ was first proposed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. He described flow as an optimal state of consciousness, a sweet spot where we’re so absorbed in an activity that everything else seems to fade into the background.  When…

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Stuff’s been happening

You guys, the last month has been madness. And I have four blog posts running around my head right now – one to cover our annual May weekend away with the school mums, one to tell you about Mother’s Day, one for Julius’ birthday, and one about peri-menopause!! Honestly I want to write all the…

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A bumper weekend

Oh wow what a weekend it’s been ! I’m happily sitting on the couch with my laptop, watching the Swans take on the Suns, with a steady rain falling outside, and wanted to document all the things. Let’s get straight into it! Uncle Khicken and Aunty Kate were up for the weekend for a family…

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