Taking an actual break

Hey there. Yeah it’s me, the blogger who never blogs…

I’ve decided to call it a day on the blog, for the time being at least. I need to give myself a break from feeling bad about not blogging, and feeling like I should. It’s just not happening and the more I force it, the harder it is.

The creative space where my words have always formed is on the fritz and until it comes back online, there’s no point in beating myself up time and time again, staring at a screen with half-arsed ideas and ill-formed sentences.

Thank you for your patience, and your time and understanding. I hope to be back here one day with too much to say that I can’t help but write. But until then, I’ll just be around, doing my thing.

The fam-bam in Cairns, on the way to Kuranda

1 Comment

  1. You are creative even if it’s not currently in written form. You create magic in the kitchen. You are creative in the way you parent four children ever second of the day. You are creative in your fashion style. Hang on I might have just got confused on what you wrote… see you in the real world soon

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