Stuff’s been happening

My big 7 year old!

You guys, the last month has been madness. And I have four blog posts running around my head right now – one to cover our annual May weekend away with the school mums, one to tell you about Mother’s Day, one for Julius’ birthday, and one about peri-menopause!! Honestly I want to write all the things but I’m also trying to balance work and life and washing and kids and washing and Marty and washing and food shopping and cooking and cleaning and washing and coffee with friends and exercise and washing and decluttering and listening to podcasts telling me not to be so busy because busy brings stress and and and and….

And I found myself with 20min before we go on a little family walk to pick Darby up from a friend’s place, so here I am. My plan is to give you a highlights reel so at least something is on the blog, and I’ll follow up with posts in the coming week or two (or three).

So here we go! Our annual trip away with the school mums was wonderful as always. I actually spent half the time with the mums and the other half with Marty as he hosted his eldest son’s 18th birthday party at his place with 50+ teenagers! It was a really great night and overall everyone behaved themselves fairly well. I’m so pleased I got to share that with them, and also got heaps of down time with my lovely friends.

Just a few of us on the first day – the conditions were a little wild!

Mother’s Day was wonderful as always, and it started in the usual way of breakfast in bed and gifts which was lovely.

A beautiful start to a wonderful day

We got to watch Chance in action again on the footy field – he is LOVING AFL!!

So happy he has found this passion!

Then a family dinner at home that I didn’t cook followed by me not cleaning up (thanks Marty and Grumpy!!) and watching the Lions play their game from the comfort of the couch.

And then we got to celebrate Julius’ 7th birthday! We had a party up at Marty’s place with family and friends which was so great and Julius had a great day.

Pinata fun!

And then Sunday he had some friends come along to an indoor play centre and run around for a couple of hours before cake in the park. A lovely end to a wonderful birthday weekend.

The Birthday Boy’s two cakes for the weekend

Honestly, there is a lot going on right now, and I’m doing my best to not get overwhelmed, and not take on more than I can handle. I’m so grateful to have a flexible job with understanding staff, and to have the best damn support crew there is, in my parents and friends and school village and with Marty. My 20min is up and I need to go and pick up Darby.

I hope I can carve out some more time to share some more photos and stories soon.


  1. Glad the jobs still being flexible. Lovely to hear ur updates, but no pressure if it becomes another thing for u to do!

    1. Once I sit down and start writing, I just love it! It’s the getting started that I find hard sometimes. But it’s always worth my time 🙂

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