Chance is 12!

This kid blows me away

This may very well be the last birthday of Chance’s that I am taller than him! He passed me in shoe-size over a year ago, and is fast approaching my height as well. Gosh what a great kid he is. He is somewhat a mini-me when it comes to his sensitive and empathetic nature. I can really relate to him when he goes through hard things, which I’m so grateful for. He is so kind and loyal to his mates, and showed this earlier this year when he stood up for a friend who was getting picked on and ended up bearing the brunt of the bully’s taunts. It broke my heart but I was incredibly proud also, knowing I could never have been that brave at his age. This characteristic will serve him well in life, but I also know how difficult it can be, being a sensitive soul in a sometimes cruel and unjust world. I just hope he will always come to me when he needs help, as he does now, and continues to surround himself with good people.

He had a handful of mates over for a paint/water fight on Saturday afteroon, followed by dinner, cake, gaming and a sleepover. I was so happy to have Marty around to help out this year, after doing it on my own last year. It was a LOT! Chance requested Pizza-cake and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out pizza box and all!

Is it cake?? 🙂 (yes it is!)
I love that the boys are still into silly fun like this!

Chance is very much into speed cubing these days, thanks to Topher showing him a Netflix documentary a month or two ago. Plus it’s in his blood! He has all sorts of cubes now, and I believe his PB for solving a 3×3 is around the 20 second mark (the world record is staggeringly under 4 seconds!!) so this a a new world we are embarking on and I love it!

The Pyraminx, 2×2 and 3×3

In light of this, we headed to our first Speed Cubing comp on Sunday for his actual birthday to check it out, and to also support one of his school friends who had entered. It was quite an interesting experience, and Chance is keen to enter the next local comp in February next year. We came home for more presents and then all flaked out for the afternoon which was much-needed after late nights for all.

More presents!

Gran and Grumpy came over for dinner of steak and roast veges, followed by choc-coated strawberries (a favourite of his), and leftover cake.

A family favourite on special occasions
Luckily he’s sitting down for this photo!

I’m just so proud of Chance and the man he is becoming. It’s a little scary that he will be a teenager this time next year, but I’m excited to see what high school brings out in him, and to see his friendships continue to grow.

Happy birthday Chanceroony. Love Mama xx

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