Last Sunday, Marian and I and Marty took nine of our children (Marty’s youngest came along) to Aussie World for the day! I have driven past this place dozens of times, most recently in the last two (plus) years since starting my relationship with Marty as it’s on the way to his place. I kept thinking that we should take the kids, but honestly big theme parks really don’t excite me that much. Which, as it turns out, is why this place is just so perfect.

It’s such a manageable size, but still with so much to do with kids of all ages. And somehow we fluked a not-very-busy day with perfect weather and very few people there! Often the kids would get off a ride and then get straight back on for another go as there was no line up!

We were there for Marian’s son’s birthday and booked a party table and bought a party package which included lunch for the kids and two free adult tickets with eight kids’ tickets purchased. It was such a great deal!

I was curious about how my kids would go, as they have never done roller-coasters or any kind of rides like these, but you wouldn’t know it – they gave almost everything a go! We let the older three boys go off and do their own thing for a lot of the day but they often came back to go on rides with the younger kids as well.

I went on the dodgems a few times without injuring myself, as well as the chair swing (and had to close my eyes or I would feel ill) but my absolute favourite was the log ride, which I went on with various people at least seven or so times!!

Marty was such a good sport, going on all the rides with the kids that would have been nausea-inducing for me (and one was for him as well!) and we all had such a fabulous day.

The kids will be happy to know that we will happily make this an annual event. It really was such a great day out; so manageable, so close to home and such a great variety of things to do. Five stars, will go again, and can highly recommend 🙂
So much fun! We’ll have to rotate the birthday child 😆