Chance is 14!!

Can you even believe it?? This kid!

Then (8th birthday) & Now

As you can see, he still loves Lego, and is super into F1 racing at the moment, so he was very pleased with his McLaren model to build. We had a lovely little birthday morning for him at home, then off to school and work all six of us went. I had an admin meeting to attend for work, and we were meant to go out for lunch right after, but I got a phone call from Chance’s school saying he had fallen over and I needed to come and pick him up. Long story short, he broke his left arm (radius for those playing at home) and is in a cast. Literally five days after Quinn had hers removed….

What is it with my kids looking so happy to have a broken arm??

It has thrown a few plans into disarray, including no go karting tomorrow for his birthday, and may not be able to do much swimming on our beach holiday in December, but he is such an optimist, and is seeing the bright side of things – at least it was his left arm and at least it’s only half the school holidays that he will be in a cast. We have a fracture clinic appointment next Tuesday so we shall see what they say.

So yes! Quite the unexpected and memorable birthday for him! He had a few friends over Friday night and I was a little nervous about having half a dozen teens in the house, but they were well behaved (I think??) and more importantly nothing got broken – bones or otherwise!

Impossible to get a good photo!

There’s so much I could say about Chance. I just love his company and his sense of calm amongst the chaos of our lives. Sometimes when he sees me getting overwhelmed, he will come over to me, ask me if I’m okay, and either give me a hug or ask if I need five minutes or if he can help somehow. He has a beautiful big heart and soul and always has. He has a great sense of humour and I love our banter. He does sarcasm nicely and doesn’t over do it like so many teens can.

He is the absolute best big brother. He really does look after his siblings with such love and care most of the time, and that’s all I can really ask! He is very open and honest and tells me about so much and asks interesting and thought-provoking questions. He is a real deep feeler and wears his heart on his sleeve. He doesn’t get embarrassed when he cries in movies or in Bluey, and he always looks to me, knowing I’ll be unapologetically misty-eyed also.

So happy birthday to my beautiful eldest child. I am so proud of you and am in awe of your resilience and strength for someone your age. We are all so proud of you. I cannot wait to see what the next year brings.

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