All kinds of time

Yes I’m using the name of my blog as the title of this very long overdue (and long!) post. The meaning will come out as you read. It’s been nearly three months since I last wrote, so there is a LOT to catch up on. Here are the highlights!

We celebrated Grumpy’s 74th birthday
Nothing fancy, just family, food, fun and CAKE!!

A very happy birthday for the best Grumpy ever!

Marty and I went on our annual getaway. This time we headed up to Maleny for four glorious days of eating yummy food, having uninterrupted conversations, op-shopping our little hearts out, bush-walking and lots of lazing around in the sun keeping warm in the cool winter. Absolute bliss, and thanks once again G&G for having the kids!

The smiles say it all!

Quinn got into districts for the third year in a row. One of Quinn’s goals she set for herself at the start of the year was to go to Districts to represent her school again this year. It was a HUGE credit to her for making it this year after she and Julius (and Gran!) got whooping cough back in March, with the cough lasting for over three months. It was rough. So many broken nights of sleep and a long recovery, but she worked really hard and we are SO proud of her efforts.

At the school athletics carnival
In action at Districts, passing the baton to one of her besties!

We celebrated Marty’s birthday. I was about to say “again, nothing fancy” as we took the kids to The Sands Social which is the local club, but they oooohed and aaaaaahed and called it a very fancy restaurant! The food was really good and the atmosphere was buzzing as it was a “kids eat free night” (which is why we went). We thought the kids would take advantage of the kids room but they actually just wanted to sit and hang out with us at the table which was kind of lovely!

After dinner photo! We all adore you Marty! xx

Quinn did Creative Generations again. Honestly I’m exhausted just writing all of this down! Like I said, it’s been a HUGE few months! Quinn participated in the mass dance groups again this year and danced to I’m a believer and Absolutely Everybody and it was as EPIC as ever. We stayed in at Southbank the Friday night (wouldn’t do it any other way!) and had some awesome girly time. Emotions ran high that week but we came out the other side on an absolute high!

I survived another Einbunpin Festival (and learned more lessons along the way!) It was another big task to coordinate the preserves stall but with a LOT of support and cheering-on, we got there in the end! The day was another huge success and I have more ideas of how to do things better (again) next year!

“Only” 700+ jars of goodness this year!

I resigned from my casual job as a dental receptionist. I did not do this lightly or on a whim, but after careful consideration; after trying to cut back on hours; after having to take so many days off due to illness (either the kids or mine or Gran’s); after so much understanding and kindness and flexibility from my manager, I had to make the call. I came to the realisation that I actually cannot fit in work as well as keep up with everything I need to do at home to keep the house in a reasonably ordered state. The weeks that Marty was here were easier as he took on a lot of the day-to-day jobs (mainly the washing!) but when he wasn’t here it was really hard and tiring and stressful, and I just decided that for right now, I didn’t need that extra stress and responsibility in my life. It was such a lovely place to work and I’m so grateful for my time there!

Chance finished up his season of Aussie Rules. We had an awesome weekend just gone, with a family bike ride followed by milkshakes from Blume, watching Marty play his game of Aussie Rules against Redcliffe (they won, by a LOT), we had friends over Saturday afternoon, then Chance had his game Sunday morning which Marty was goal-umpire for and Darby and Julius helped out with the flag waving (so adorable!), we did a big garage clear out, then I had painting with Kate in the afternoon, followed by a delicious roast pork that Marty made, which included what the kids deemed to be the “best crackling ever!!”

Chance has LOVED playing this year and will be up with the U15s next year!

So… yeah! It’s been massive! The thing is, since I finished work, I’ve been in a bit of a different head space. I know I don’t all of a sudden have 15-20 hours of free time each week, but I do have a lot of hours that I have claimed back, so I’m looking at things and telling myself “I do actually have time for that.” For example I re-joined the gym and I do actually have time to go to the 8:40am class each day. I do have time to sit down and write a blog post (even though I need to start packing for Cairns! 🙂 )

It’s just a different mind-set, though since finishing work nearly five weeks ago, with CGen and Einbunpin and kids being sick, I haven’t reclaimed a whole lot of time, and with school holidays then birthdays then Christmas in the next few months, I don’t for a moment think I’ll be sitting around drinking lattes and watching movies, but I do have time to get stuff done around the house and I do have time to spend with people I love and do the things I enjoy. There will be plenty of time for work in the years to come.

Tomorrow we head to Cairns to meet up with Gran & Grumpy and Kris & Kate for six days, to celebrate Gran & Grumpys 50th Wedding Anniversary. And I really cannot wait.

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